Thursday, May 20, 2010

Myspace, Facebook And So On

I joined myspace and a couple years later that led to facebook. Next thing I know, Twitter. I was convinced that it was going to be a great way to stay in touch with those whom I’ve lost connections with. It would even fulfill relationships with those whom have never really gotten to know me with missed opportunities. I thought it would put me out there for others to see, since my life, unfortunately, has not led to a life of being out and about for a whole bunch of people to meet.I've never asked or wanted for that to be a part of my life. Wrong paths were just taken.

These sites would be an answer for me I assumed. That family, friends and future friends would take advantage of it all. What I had to say and show of my interests, dislikes, talents and knowledge of things would be taken notice for the 1st time or with more intrigue. It just all made so much sense to me and I in turn would do such an attraction and connection as well. After all, they are called social networks.

With past friendships, missed connections or even in my family; relationships are broken or distant in many ways. Mending the gaps with the use of the internet as a resourceful tool made me think that it was just the trick to turn things around for the better. With this idea in motion over some time now, I‘ve realized that I didn‘t realize how many wouldn’t do such an effort to communicate back. I never thought how things might stay the same anyway or get worse with frustration and discouragement as the culprit on my part.Some may also may take notice, but not show interests to start the intended closer relationship. Efforts have been made on my part with very few successes.

A well known celebrity named Dr. Drew Pinsky, who has often been seen on television or heard on the radio, answered a question on a television show from an audience member at one time. A grandmother expressed about how most of her family is distant with seeing or communicating with each other. She was particularly concerned about her grandson who cried and didn’t want to end his visits with her.I very much related to this. Much of my family as a whole on both sides of the tree of many branches have chosen to do the same similar thing.

Dr. Drew replied with mentioning today’s technology including unlimited phone calling rather than pay by the minute. The internet existing with microphones, messaging devices, webcams and e-mailing that puts “snail-mail” or pen to paper mailing to shame. He went on to say that there shouldn’t be an excuse to go many days, weeks, or even months without keeping in touch with all this technology.

To not make time to connect with at least family members is ones own fault. Much communication and understanding would prevent many misfortunes between those we should be caring for. With all this said, that is how I’ve thought despite how unwelcomed it might be. It shouldn’t be thought of as wrong to be trying to make a difference for the better on this. Uncover the “dirt swept under the rug” where it shouldn’t be. Apparently though, not many care because the amount of blogs, pictures and expressing I have done has not collected much of any feedback and that to me is very troubling.

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